Tuesday, September 6, 2016
6:30 p.m. -- City Hall Auditorium
Immediately Following the Public Hearing starting at 6:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call Vote: Vote to amend City Ordinance §187-27, as presented.
2. Recess: Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City Employees’ Retirement Fund.
3. Reconvene
Vote to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting held August 15, 2016.
5. Open to Public
Vote to open the meeting to the public.
6. Mayoral Appointment
Vote to accept the Mayor’s re-appointments as follows:
• Marie Soliani, John Luciano and Lucille Paige as Torrington Representatives on the Cable TV Advisory Council for two-year terms expiring July 1, 2018.
• Gregory Mele, Paul Summers, Richard Calkins, Gregory Perosino and James Bobinski as Regular Members of the Flood and Erosion Control Board for three-year terms expiring February 1, 2019.
• Jon A. Sheaffer, Jr. and Donna Greco as Alternate Members of the Flood and Erosion Control Board for three-year terms expiring February 1, 2019.
7. Executive Session
Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to enter Executive Session under pending negotiations.
Vote to adopt resolution #143-16-12 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of CT Dept. of Economic Development regarding a $100,000 grant for 200 Litchfield Street.
9. Low-Emission Renewable Energy Credit – Fuel Cell Project at WPCF
Vote to authorize the Mayor to act on behalf of the City to negotiate, execute and administer a contract with one of the preferred fuel cell contractors that responded to the RFP, as presented.
10. BAR Planning Grant – Downtown MDP & Riverfront
Vote to accept the Economic Development Director’s recommendation to award the City of Torrington Brownfield Area-Wide Revitalization (BAR) Planning Grant contract to BL Companies of Meriden, CT and to authorize the Mayor to negotiate, execute and administer the contract on behalf of the City.
Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to waive the City bid process and purchase ammunition off the State Contract from Eagle Point Gun of Thorofare, NJ in the amount of $26515.35 pending Board of Public Safety Approval.
Vote to adopt Resolution #143-16-13 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Lease Purchase Agreement entitled “Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement” and to execute all documents related to the agreement.
13. Small Cities
a. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee regarding Project #143-399, #143-425, #143-432 and #143-462.
Vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the 47 refunds indicated on the list dated September 1, 2016.
Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the 9 sewer usage fee refunds indicated on the list dated September 1, 2016.
Vote to authorize the Mayor to award the Center Bridge Improvements contract to Hemlock Construction of Torrington, CT for $207,848.25 and to execute and administer all documents including change orders and pay applications on behalf of the City.
17. Business by Dept. Heads
Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
18. Business: Mayor & Members
Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
19. Open to Public: Agenda Items Only
Vote to open the meeting to the public to discuss agenda items only.